Implementing Interval Splitting for Advent of Code


I originally didn’t want to write another blog post about Advent of Code, especially not consecutive ones. However, the solution to the second part of the fifth day was so interesting that I couldn’t resist. The puzzle is about mapping intervals to one another.

This puzzle cost me my sanity

I just want to note that this puzzle took my sanity. Never have I had more off-by-one errors or “why the fuck doesn’t this work?” moments.

So let’s get started, shall we?

The puzzle

To understand the puzzle, let’s have a look at the example input from the puzzle:

seeds: 79 14 55 13

seed-to-soil map:
50 98 2
52 50 48

soil-to-fertilizer map:
0 15 37
37 52 2
39 0 15

fertilizer-to-water map:
49 53 8
0 11 42
42 0 7
57 7 4

water-to-light map:
88 18 7
18 25 70

light-to-temperature map:
45 77 23
81 45 19
68 64 13

temperature-to-humidity map:
0 69 1
1 0 69

humidity-to-location map:
60 56 37
56 93 4


Due to Feedback by one of my more-than-patient friends who proofread the article: In this article we’re only ever dealing with natural numbers. All intervals are natural numbers.

Our input is a list of maps (for example the seed-to-soil map). Each line should be read as destination source length1. So the source is a seed, the destination is a soil. In other words, in the example input, we’re given two intervals:

  • [50,50+48)[50, 50 + 48) which maps to [52,52+48)[52, 52 + 48), and
  • [98,98+2)[98, 98 + 2) which maps to [50,50+2)[50, 50 + 2).

If we have no specific mapping defined, a number just stays the same.

In the first line we’re also given ranges of seed IDs (a start and a length). In the example input, we need to look at [79,79+14][79, 79 + 14] and [55,55+13][55, 55 + 13].

We’re now supposed to use each map in succession to go from our seed IDs to locations. The goal of the puzzle is to find the smallest location number for all given seeds.

Below you can find a cool visualization of the problem by reddit user /u/NullPointerExcept10n2. It shows how ranges of seeds map to different soils, humidities, …, and locations.

Mapping the original seeds to their location for one input. Taken with permission from Reddit User
Mapping the original seeds to their location for one input. Taken with permission from Reddit User /u/NullPointerException.

Let’s look at this mathematically

We can understand each of these maps as a function N0N0\mathbb{N}_0 \to \mathbb{N}_0 like this:

soil(x)={x+2 if x[50,98),x48 if x[98,100),x otherwise.\text{soil}(x) = \begin{cases} x + 2 \text{ if } x \in [50, 98), \\ x - 48 \text{ if } x \in [98, 100), \\ x \text{ otherwise.} \end{cases}

Thus, our goal is — for a given set of seeds SS — to find3

minxS[(soilfertilizerhumiditylocation)(x)].\min_{x \in S} \left[ (\text{soil} \circ \text{fertilizer} \circ \dots \circ \text{humidity} \circ \text{location})(x) \right].

We can make some immediate observations:

  1. We can express our set of seeds as a union of intervals. For any set of seeds SS we can construct

    S=iSi,S = \bigcup_i S_i,

    where SiS_i is a family of intervals and i,j:SiSj=\forall i, j: S_i \cap S_j = \emptyset (the intervals are pairwise disjunct).

  2. We can rewrite our functions to make all intervals explicit. We can also change ff to be a bit more explicit. Instead of just saying ”xx otherwise”, we can precisely specify under which circumstances xx maps to itself. For example

    soil(x)={x if x[0,50),x+2 if x[50,98),x48 if x[98,100),x if x[100,).\text{soil}(x) = \begin{cases} x \text{ if } x \in [0, 50), \\ x + 2\text{ if } x \in [50, 98), \\ x - 48 \text{ if } x \in [98, 100), \\ x \text{ if } x \in [100, \infty). \end{cases}

    We can clearly see that soil\text{soil} is made up of four different mapping intervals. Let’s call these intervals If,iI_{f, i}, where ff is the corresponding function and iNi \in \mathbb{N} their index. We know (because ff is a function) that these intervals are pairwise disjunct as well.

    Let’s keep the intervals well-ordered: if [b,c)=If,i[b, c) = I_{f, i}, then [a,b)=If,i1[a, b) = I_{f, i - 1} and [c,d)=If,i+1[c, d) = I_{f, i + 1}4.

  3. For any given interval If,iI_{f, i}, the value of ff increases monotonically. For example, let’s look at the interval [50,98)[50, 98). We can see that soil(50)=102\text{soil}(50) = 102 and soil(97)=149\text{soil}(97) = 149.

    This has severe implications. Because we know that within intervals the value is monotonically increasing, we don’t have to look at all values in an interval, we can “short circuit”:

    i:[a,b]If,i    minx[a,b]f(x)=f(a).\exists i: [a, b] \subseteq I_{f, i} \implies \min_{x \in [a, b]} f(x) = f(a).

With this in hand, we can start asking the big questions:

What does fgf \circ g actually look like?

We already discussed that we can express our functions ff and gg as families of intervals If,iI_{f, i} and Ig,iI_{g, i}. Thus, asking “what does fgf \circ g look like?” is really asking for Ifg,iI_{f \circ g, i}.

Let’s pick any ii. We can now look at a new set Ti=g(If,i)T_i = g(I_{f, i}). What does TiT_i look like? In the general case

Ti=jJj, with JjIg,k.T_i = \bigcup_j J_j, \text{ with } J_j \subseteq I_{g, k}.

In plain English: TiT_i consists of a subsets of a subset of gg‘s intervals.

Intuitively, this makes sense. We can also see that

Ifg=iTi.I_{f \circ g} = \bigcup_i T_i.

So how do we actually find the TiT_i?

Implementing the idea

Maybe now is the time to move away from mathematical notation and actually get started coding.

Educational content ahead

The goal of this blog post is to explain the concepts. Some of the code might not be optimal.

Step 1: Fixing the intervals

We start with a list of three-tuples for each map (start, length, destination). We want to now add the missing intervals like in the “Making intervals explicit” step above.

Implicit precondition

The following code assumes that your input is sorted. Check out the code on GitHub if you get stuck.

def make_intervals_explicit(
    mapping: list[tuple[int, int, int]]
) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
    ret = []

    for i, (start, length, destination) in enumerate(mapping):
        ret.append((start, destination))

        # If the next interval is not directly adjacent, we have to insert a new one
        # Do this for the last interval in any case
        if (i != len(mapping) - 1 and mapping[i + 1][0] != start + length) or (
            i == len(mapping) - 1
            ret.append((start + length, start + length))

    # Add a starting interval if mapping didn't start with 0
    if ret[0][0] != 0:
        ret.insert(0, (0, 0))

    return merge_intervals(ret)

This function will for a given function (mapping) ff return IfI_f. Another way to think of the output is a list of tuples (xi,f(xi))(x_i, f(x_i)).

Note that the function also merges intervals if possible:

def merge_intervals(l: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
    # Someone who's better in python than me tell me if we actually need
    # this copy
    ret = l 

    i = 1
    # Merge intervals if possible
    while i < len(ret) - 1:
        start, start_value = ret[i]
        end, end_value = ret[i + 1]

        if start_value + (end - start) == end_value:
            del ret[i + 1]
        i += 1
    return ret


It might be nice to use a Python generator for that (with a yield expression).

Step 2: Calculating all intersecting intervals

As a next step, we can get started calculating for an interval [a,b][a, b] to find all intervals If,iI_{f, i} it intersects. This is the step where we calculate TiT_i.

def get_intersected_intervals(
    start: int, end: int | None, mapping: list[tuple[int, int]]
) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
    ret = [
        for value in mapping
        if start <= value[0] and (end is None or end >= value[0])

    # We need to fill the interval from the left
    if len(ret) == 0 or ret[0][0] > start:
        start_index = bisect.bisect_left(mapping, (start,)) - 1
        x, f_x = mapping[start_index]

        ret.insert(0, (start, f_x + (start - x)))

    return ret

First, we get all intervals that start within start and end (JiJ_i earlier). This covers our entire interval TiT_i except for the first part: For that we need to take the previous interval (the one that starts before start) and clamp it so it starts at start. We use Python’s bisect module to find the intervals that start before start.

Step 3: Calculating fgf \circ g

We can now get started calculating the function composition. We discussed that Ti=iJiT_i = \bigcup_i J_i. We also know that we can get JiJ_i from get_intersected_intervals().

def compose(
    f: list[tuple[int, int]], g: list[tuple[int, int]]
) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
    ret = []

    for (x_start, f_start), (x_end, _) in zip(f, f[1:]):
        length = x_end - x_start

                (start - (f_start - x_start), projection)
                for start, projection in get_intersected_intervals(
                    f_start, f_start + length, g

    f_start = f[-1][1]
            (start, projection)
            for start, projection in get_intersected_intervals(f_start, None, g)

    return ret

We use Python’s zip method5 to get our intervals Ii,fI_{i, f}. As a last step, we add the last interval back.

Step 4: Lookup

To solve the puzzle, we finally need a function lookup that actually uses one of these maps to find the value. The input to this function are the SiS_i from earlier. Here’s the code:

def lookup(start: int, end: int, f: list[tuple[int, int]]):
    values = [mapping for _, mapping in get_intersected_intervals(start, end, f)]

    return min(values)

Here we use the short-circuiting we discussed earlier: get_intersected_intervals will return the starting points for each interval. Because the intervals are strictly monotonic, we never want to evaluate beyond their starting point. Hence, it is sufficient to just take the minimum of each starting point’s value.

Step 5: Profit!

With all this set-up, we can finally calculate our entire function composition.

First, we set up our maps:

seed_to_soil_map = make_intervals_explicit(
soil_to_fertilizer_map = make_intervals_explicit(
fertilizer_to_water_map = make_intervals_explicit(
water_to_light_map = make_intervals_explicit(
light_to_temp_map = make_intervals_explicit(
temp_to_humidity_map = make_intervals_explicit(
humidity_to_location_map = make_intervals_explicit(

We then combine them into one complete map:

total_map = reduce(compose, [

Because we’re fancy, we use functool’s reduce instead of writing it out. reduce applies compose cumulatively from left to right to the items of sequence.

Finally, the solution of the puzzle (find the smallest location for ranges of seeds) can be found by

values_part2 = [
    lookup(start, start + length, total_map)
    for start, length in zip(seeds[::2], seeds[1::2])
print(f"Part 2: {min(values_part2)}")


  1. Not my fault they decided on doing it this way. Each time I read the input I get confused as well.

  2. Thanks again for letting me use it in my blog!

  3. "\circ" denotes function composition (e.g. fgf \circ g means f(g(x))f(g(x))).

  4. This is a bit imprecise, because if i=0i = 0 or i=Ifi = |I_f|, we apply 0 or \infty as the borders respectively, but the idea is still the same.

  5. This code uses some pythonic pattern, which is to call zip() with the same list. The idea is to generate pairs of adjacent items from the list. This StackOverflow Answer has more information.